Furmium IT @ Copyright 2017

Tel      - 01691 831811

E-Mail  - info@furmiumit.co.uk

Furmium IT


Whether your support requirement is a simple “how to” technical question or a failed network server, FurmiumIT can provide the support you need. We provide support an a contract basis, and ad hoc support as pay as you go.

We support your Hardware, Server’s, PC’s and systems software, and where we do not have the direct expertise to fix your problem, we liaise with software or hardware vendors and your suppliers to help resolve your problems.  

We believe that our support services at FurmiumIT are second to none and feed back from our existing customers suggests that we are right.

We focus our entire business on providing the right support at the right time and at the right price.

We provide e-mail and telephone support to all our contract customers and where issues can not be resolved remotely we will make a site visit.

Our contracts include remote monitoring and maintenance of networks, our philosophy being that your job is to run your business; our job is to run the I.T. systems that support it.


If you have been directed to this page by one of our support technicians for Remote Support, please click on the picture on the left, this starts a download a file to your PC which starts your Remote Support Session.

Click on the picture and then download and run the program to connect !